Supermodel Quiz Parental Modeling Quiz: Everyone knows the importance of being an effective model for our children. Are you an effective model for your kids? Take the quiz to find out!Start Supermodel Quiz I display good manners and make an effort to say “please” and “thank-you” when making requests of my children or spouse. True FalseI am quick to admit my mistakes — even to my children — and apologize for them. True FalseEvery day, I make an effort to lovingly and cheerfully perform acts of service that are above and beyond my regular duties. True FalseEvery day, I make some time for individual and family prayer. True FalseI am comfortable working with my child to overcome a shared flaw. True FalseI make an effort to speak respectfully to my children, even when I disagree with them, or think their ideas or feelings are silly. True FalseI make a point of expressing my gratitude for even the simple things others (including my spouse and children) do for me. True FalseI regularly turn to God to thank Him on the good days and ask for help in the difficult ones. True FalseI express my emotions in honest and healthy ways. True FalseI am generous toward my family with regard to my time, energy, financial, and emotional resources. True False Total Questions: 11