Coming Thurs on M2L: Respecting Our Limits…

Coming Thurs on M2L Radio:  Respecting our Limitations–The Pope’s resignation challenges all of us to look at how we deal with our own limitations.  We have a tendency to beat up on ourselves when we hit our limits, but that doesn’t help anything.  Today on M2L, we’ll look at the godly way to approach our limitations.  We’ll offer tips to know when to keep pushing through and when to surrender and how to avoid the guilt that comes when we hit the wall.  Call in from Noon-1pm E (11am-Noon C) at 877-573-7825

Don’t forget to answer our M2L Facebook Q of the D:  (It’s a two-fer)   1.  What situations in your life tend to make you feel like you’ve “hit the wall”  or have come to the end of your rope? 2.  How do you feel about yourself in those times when you bump up against your limits?

—-Listen to More2Life live weekdays from Noon-1pm E (11am-Noon C).  Can’t get M2L on a Catholic radio station near you?  Tune in live online at, listen via our FREE AveMariaRadio IPhone or Android App (Check your app store!), or catch the M2L Podcast!

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