Beyond the Birds and the Bees: The Secrets of Raising Sexually Whole (and Holy!) Kids
Teaching kids to live the Catholic vision of love doesn’t have to be scary. This faithful guide gives you the scripts, insights, and techniques you need to raise sexually whole and holy kids.
R – realize what they need to know and when they need to know it.
E – Elicit their thoughts, attitudes, and feelings.
S – Speak the truth.
P – Present a positive, Christian attitude toward sex.
E – Expect to talk about your own struggles when appropriate.
C – Control your temper and the temptation to lecture.
T – Teach your children what the gift of the body is really for.
Using these seven principles, parents can help their children become sexually whole and sexually holy! Using humor and timely examples, author Dr. Gregory Popcak enables parents to develop their own understanding of the Catholic vision of love, and he provides practical guidance for having age-appropriate discussions about sexual issues with kids – from toddlers to teens.