Catholic Counselors Quizzes
How healthy is your marriage? Could you be a more effective parent? Are you satisfied with your personal and emotional life? Take our quizzes and discover what you need to know to get more out of your life and relationships.
Marriage and Sexuality Quizzes
Sustainable Marriage Quiz
Researchers refer to marriages that allow the couple to grow as persons as “sustainable” both because they sustain the couple’s sense of personal development and growth and such marriages tend to be more stable and rewarding over time. How much do you feel your marriage challenges you to be the best version of yourself? Take this quiz based on research by Dr. Gary Levandowski of Monmouth University.
Researchers refer to marriages that allow the couple to grow as persons as “sustainable” both because they sustain the couple’s sense of personal development and growth and such marriages tend to be more stable and rewarding over time. How much do you feel your marriage challenges you to be the best version of yourself? Take this quiz based on research by Dr. Gary Levandowski of Monmouth University.
Healthy Marriage Habits Quiz #1 – Marriage Rituals and Routines
One study examining 50 years of research on the effect of simple rituals and routines like eating together, praying together, working and worshipping together found that these simple activities had an almost magical degree of power over marriage and family health. Couples who regularly worked, played, discussed more than just the tasks of life, and prayed together were significantly happier and more stable than other couples, exhibited much less anxiety, depression, substance abuse and other problems that negatively impact marital well-being. How important is developing this skill to your marriage?
One study examining 50 years of research on the effect of simple rituals and routines like eating together, praying together, working and worshipping together found that these simple activities had an almost magical degree of power over marriage and family health. Couples who regularly worked, played, discussed more than just the tasks of life, and prayed together were significantly happier and more stable than other couples, exhibited much less anxiety, depression, substance abuse and other problems that negatively impact marital well-being. How important is developing this skill to your marriage?
Healthy Marriage Habits Quiz #2 – Emotional/Physical Closeness
In the healthiest relationships, couples exhibit a 20:1 ratio of positive to negative interactions in the course of their everyday interactions and conversations. “Positive interactions” include simple acts like smiling at your partner when you walk in the room, acknowledging their presence and looking in your mate’s eyes when they talk, and brief touches as you walk past each other as well as more intentional actions such as giving meaningful compliments, thoughtful tokens of affection, and being intentionally affectionate with one another. How important is developing this skill to your marriage?
In the healthiest relationships, couples exhibit a 20:1 ratio of positive to negative interactions in the course of their everyday interactions and conversations. “Positive interactions” include simple acts like smiling at your partner when you walk in the room, acknowledging their presence and looking in your mate’s eyes when they talk, and brief touches as you walk past each other as well as more intentional actions such as giving meaningful compliments, thoughtful tokens of affection, and being intentionally affectionate with one another. How important is developing this skill to your marriage?
Healthy Marriage Habits Quiz #3 – Self Regulation
Self-Regulation refers to a person’s capacity to stay calm, recognize that they are losing their cool before it’s too late, and regain their composure even under pressure. When stress causes our emotional temperature to rise, we’re unable to problem-solve and we tend to react rather than respond. Psychologists refer to this process as “flooding” and it causes a spouse to be rigid and reactive under pressure. But, if you can learn keep your Solution-Friendly Brain turned on, even in conflict, you can stay in control of the discussion even if your partner loses control of him or herself. How important is developing this skill to your marriage?
Self-Regulation refers to a person’s capacity to stay calm, recognize that they are losing their cool before it’s too late, and regain their composure even under pressure. When stress causes our emotional temperature to rise, we’re unable to problem-solve and we tend to react rather than respond. Psychologists refer to this process as “flooding” and it causes a spouse to be rigid and reactive under pressure. But, if you can learn keep your Solution-Friendly Brain turned on, even in conflict, you can stay in control of the discussion even if your partner loses control of him or herself. How important is developing this skill to your marriage?
Healthy Marriage Habits Quiz #4 – A Positive Intention Frame
Having a positive intention frame allows you to feel comfortable making mistakes in front of each other because you know that each of you is trying your best and that you will both tolerate each other’s lapses and offenses and refuse to see missteps as intentional slights. Research shows that couples who tend to assume the best about each other avoid conflict more and handle conflict more gracefully when it arrives on the scene. How important is developing this skill for your marriage?
Having a positive intention frame allows you to feel comfortable making mistakes in front of each other because you know that each of you is trying your best and that you will both tolerate each other’s lapses and offenses and refuse to see missteps as intentional slights. Research shows that couples who tend to assume the best about each other avoid conflict more and handle conflict more gracefully when it arrives on the scene. How important is developing this skill for your marriage?
Healthy Marriage Habits Quiz #5 – Caretaking in Conflict
The most important thing in problem-solving is not, actually, solving the problem. Rather, it’s how well you take care of each other as you work together to find solutions to the problem. Think about it. If you manage to find a solution to a particular challenge in your life or relationship, but walk away from your conversation with your spouse feeling demoralized, resentful, exhausted and out-of-synch, what good is it? Solving problems is important, but how you solve those problems is even more important. Caretaking in conflict allows your brain and your spouse’s brain to overcome strong emotions that are obstacles to solutions. How important is developing this skill to your marriage?
The most important thing in problem-solving is not, actually, solving the problem. Rather, it’s how well you take care of each other as you work together to find solutions to the problem. Think about it. If you manage to find a solution to a particular challenge in your life or relationship, but walk away from your conversation with your spouse feeling demoralized, resentful, exhausted and out-of-synch, what good is it? Solving problems is important, but how you solve those problems is even more important. Caretaking in conflict allows your brain and your spouse’s brain to overcome strong emotions that are obstacles to solutions. How important is developing this skill to your marriage?
Healthy Marriage Habits Quiz #6 – Mutual Respect, Accountability & Boundaries
Many people think that respect is simply being polite to each other, but it is much, much more. Respect denotes a willingness to learn from each other, to see the truth, goodness, and beauty in the things each other finds true, good and beautiful, to defer to one another’s knowledge and expertise, to accept each other’s boundaries, and to listen to each other well especially when you disagree.The root of partnership is mutual respect, the willingness to see your spouse as a real, three dimensional person who you believe can teach you a great deal about living a healthy, happy, loving, life. This willingness to listen and even submit to one another–especially under stress and pressure–is what marriage therapists call the fondness and admiration system. How important is developing this skill to your marriage?
Many people think that respect is simply being polite to each other, but it is much, much more. Respect denotes a willingness to learn from each other, to see the truth, goodness, and beauty in the things each other finds true, good and beautiful, to defer to one another’s knowledge and expertise, to accept each other’s boundaries, and to listen to each other well especially when you disagree.The root of partnership is mutual respect, the willingness to see your spouse as a real, three dimensional person who you believe can teach you a great deal about living a healthy, happy, loving, life. This willingness to listen and even submit to one another–especially under stress and pressure–is what marriage therapists call the fondness and admiration system. How important is developing this skill to your marriage?
Healthy Marriage Habits Quiz #7 – Reviewing and Learning from Mistakes
When many couples make it through an argument, they simply move on and hope it doesn’t happen again. Healthy couples, on the other hand, do a good job reviewing their mistakes and discussing what they might do better next time without dragging up past hurts or re-igniting the argument. Take the following quiz to see how good you and your spouse are at learning and growing from your mistakes.
When many couples make it through an argument, they simply move on and hope it doesn’t happen again. Healthy couples, on the other hand, do a good job reviewing their mistakes and discussing what they might do better next time without dragging up past hurts or re-igniting the argument. Take the following quiz to see how good you and your spouse are at learning and growing from your mistakes.
Marital Connection Quiz
The following quiz is intended to help you assess the strength of the connection your feel with your spouse.
The following quiz is intended to help you assess the strength of the connection your feel with your spouse.
Is My Relationship Emotionally Abusive?
All couples argue. But sometimes arguing can cross a line. It can be difficult to know whether the tension in your relationship is normal or if it reflects emotional abuse. The following quiz can help you sort out the difference.
All couples argue. But sometimes arguing can cross a line. It can be difficult to know whether the tension in your relationship is normal or if it reflects emotional abuse. The following quiz can help you sort out the difference.
Parenting & Family Quizzes
Parental Discipline Style Quiz
Effective discipline requires just the right mix of firmness and gentleness. Too much firmness causes your kids to tune you out but if you're too gentle, kids won't listen in the first place. Take this quiz to determine if you have achieved the right balance between firmness and gentleness.
Effective discipline requires just the right mix of firmness and gentleness. Too much firmness causes your kids to tune you out but if you're too gentle, kids won't listen in the first place. Take this quiz to determine if you have achieved the right balance between firmness and gentleness.
Everyday Discipline Quiz
Everyday Discipline: Most of the problem behaviors our kids display are not extraordinarily serious problems, but they still need to be deal with. Are you a master of everyday discipline? Are you taking advantage of the transformative power of your relationship with your children? Take the following true-and-false quiz to find out what you do well, or can do better.
Everyday Discipline: Most of the problem behaviors our kids display are not extraordinarily serious problems, but they still need to be deal with. Are you a master of everyday discipline? Are you taking advantage of the transformative power of your relationship with your children? Take the following true-and-false quiz to find out what you do well, or can do better.
Supermodel Quiz
Parental Modeling Quiz: Everyone knows the importance of being an effective model for our children. Are you an effective model for your kids? Take the quiz to find out!
Parental Modeling Quiz: Everyone knows the importance of being an effective model for our children. Are you an effective model for your kids? Take the quiz to find out!
Could I Benefit From Professional Parenting Help?
Take this quiz to see if your family might benefit from some counseling.
Take this quiz to see if your family might benefit from some counseling.
Can I Increase My Affection Connection?
Research consistently shows that parents who display "extravagant affection" are the most effective with their children and have the most obedient children. Are you a truly affectionate parent? Take the quiz and find out!
Research consistently shows that parents who display "extravagant affection" are the most effective with their children and have the most obedient children. Are you a truly affectionate parent? Take the quiz and find out!
The Affection Connection Kid Rapport Quiz
The strength of our relationship with our kids is our most effective parenting tool. How strong is your rapport with your kids? Take the quiz and find out!
The strength of our relationship with our kids is our most effective parenting tool. How strong is your rapport with your kids? Take the quiz and find out!
Could You Be A More Joyful Parent?
Is your relationship with your children all it could be? Take the quiz to find out if Professional Solutions could help you become a more effective and joyful parent.
Is your relationship with your children all it could be? Take the quiz to find out if Professional Solutions could help you become a more effective and joyful parent.
Life & Work Quizzes
Do I Struggle With Social Anxiety?
Everyone feels nervous around other people once in a while, but social anxiety can take all the joy out of being around people–even people you love. Are you just introverted or might there be something else going on?
Everyone feels nervous around other people once in a while, but social anxiety can take all the joy out of being around people–even people you love. Are you just introverted or might there be something else going on?
Is My Anxiety A Problem?
Everyone gets anxious or worried from time to time, but sometimes anxiety can become a problem all of its own. The following quiz, though not a professional diagnostic tool, can help you determine whether you have reason to speak to a professional about the possibility of having an anxiety disorder.
Everyone gets anxious or worried from time to time, but sometimes anxiety can become a problem all of its own. The following quiz, though not a professional diagnostic tool, can help you determine whether you have reason to speak to a professional about the possibility of having an anxiety disorder.
Am I Depressed?
Everyone gets down from time to time, but sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between going through a bad time and depression. The following quiz, though not a professional diagnostic tool, can help you determine whether you have reason to speak to a professional about the possibility of having a depressive disorder.
Everyone gets down from time to time, but sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between going through a bad time and depression. The following quiz, though not a professional diagnostic tool, can help you determine whether you have reason to speak to a professional about the possibility of having a depressive disorder.
Workplace Bullying Quiz
This is a screening measure to help you determine whether you might have been involved in workplace aggression or bullying. Answer the questions in this quiz based upon the co-worker’s or boss’s behavior during the past 6 months.
This is a screening measure to help you determine whether you might have been involved in workplace aggression or bullying. Answer the questions in this quiz based upon the co-worker’s or boss’s behavior during the past 6 months.
Sexual Addiction Screening Quiz
This is a screening measure to help you determine whether you might have a problem with sexual addiction that needs professional attention. This screening measure is not designed to make a diagnosis of a sexual addiction or take the place of a professional diagnosis or consultation.
This is a screening measure to help you determine whether you might have a problem with sexual addiction that needs professional attention. This screening measure is not designed to make a diagnosis of a sexual addiction or take the place of a professional diagnosis or consultation.
Could You Get More Out of Your Personal Life?
You don’t have to settle for less. Take the quiz to find out if Professional Solutions could help you get more out of your personal life.
You don’t have to settle for less. Take the quiz to find out if Professional Solutions could help you get more out of your personal life.
Relationship Readiness Quiz for Single Catholics
Having a healthy romantic relationship requires the same skills necessary to create a close, healthy, supportive relationship with anyone—only more so. Our Relationship Readiness Quiz can help you see what it would take to make all your relationships stronger as well as increasing your ability to have a strong, healthy, emotionally and spiritually intimate, romantic relationship.
Having a healthy romantic relationship requires the same skills necessary to create a close, healthy, supportive relationship with anyone—only more so. Our Relationship Readiness Quiz can help you see what it would take to make all your relationships stronger as well as increasing your ability to have a strong, healthy, emotionally and spiritually intimate, romantic relationship.
Spirituality Quizzes
Religious Commitment Inventory
The Religious Commitment Inventory–RCI seeks to examine how much your general Christian religious faith impacts your everyday life. (For a more specific look at how your unique Catholic Christian faith impacts your everyday life, see the Catholic Religious Commitment Inventory below).
The Religious Commitment Inventory–RCI seeks to examine how much your general Christian religious faith impacts your everyday life. (For a more specific look at how your unique Catholic Christian faith impacts your everyday life, see the Catholic Religious Commitment Inventory below).
Catholic Religious Commitment Inventory
“Religious commitment” is a term psychologists-of-religion use to determine how much a person’s faith impact their everyday life and choices. The Catholic Religious Commitment Inventory–CRCI (Popcak, 2005) was developed to evaluate how much your uniquely Catholic faith impacts your daily life and choices. The CRCI can help you determine the areas of your Catholic faith could benefit from additional attention.
“Religious commitment” is a term psychologists-of-religion use to determine how much a person’s faith impact their everyday life and choices. The Catholic Religious Commitment Inventory–CRCI (Popcak, 2005) was developed to evaluate how much your uniquely Catholic faith impacts your daily life and choices. The CRCI can help you determine the areas of your Catholic faith could benefit from additional attention.
Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire
The Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith questionnaire (Plante,2002) is intended to help you evaluate how personally important your religious faith is to you. Religious faith is different from religious commitment in that religious faith relates more closely to your personal and emotional connection to your faith while religious commitment describes how your everyday life, activities and choices are influenced by your faith. Strong religious faith has been connected to better mental and physical health as well as greater life satisfaction.
The Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith questionnaire (Plante,2002) is intended to help you evaluate how personally important your religious faith is to you. Religious faith is different from religious commitment in that religious faith relates more closely to your personal and emotional connection to your faith while religious commitment describes how your everyday life, activities and choices are influenced by your faith. Strong religious faith has been connected to better mental and physical health as well as greater life satisfaction.
Decisional Forgiveness Quiz
St Augustine said, “Forgiveness is the act of surrendering one’s natural desire for revenge.” Augustine saw forgiveness as the first step toward full reconciliation. Like Augustine, modern psychologists consider forgiveness to be a two-step process that can be broken down into Decisional Forgiveness and Emotional Forgiveness. Decisional forgiveness is the first step. It has to do with your commitment to stop wishing ill on the offender. By contrast, Emotional forgiveness has to do with the degree to which you feel you have been reconciled to the person who hurt you and/or have made peace with the injury that occurred. Take the following quiz to see how far along the first step of forgiveness you are.
St Augustine said, “Forgiveness is the act of surrendering one’s natural desire for revenge.” Augustine saw forgiveness as the first step toward full reconciliation. Like Augustine, modern psychologists consider forgiveness to be a two-step process that can be broken down into Decisional Forgiveness and Emotional Forgiveness. Decisional forgiveness is the first step. It has to do with your commitment to stop wishing ill on the offender. By contrast, Emotional forgiveness has to do with the degree to which you feel you have been reconciled to the person who hurt you and/or have made peace with the injury that occurred. Take the following quiz to see how far along the first step of forgiveness you are.
Emotional Forgiveness Quiz
Decisional forgiveness is the process of giving up your desire to hurt someone for having hurt you. Emotional forgiveness is the process of healing the injury and making peace with the person that hurt you. To discover the degree to which you have reconciled and how much further you have to go, take this quiz.
Decisional forgiveness is the process of giving up your desire to hurt someone for having hurt you. Emotional forgiveness is the process of healing the injury and making peace with the person that hurt you. To discover the degree to which you have reconciled and how much further you have to go, take this quiz.