A Marriage Made for Heaven presents a faithful, practical path for getting the most out of your marriage. You’ll explore fool-proof techniques for effective communication and problem-solving, expose the secrets of lifelong passion, win the battle of the sexes, supercharge your spiritual life, make the most out of marriage after kids, and a whole lot more. Your Catholic faith is blended seamlessly with solid psychological insights to help you discover how living the Catholic difference in all you do can help you create the joyful, abundant, passionate, grace-filled marriage you long for and God desires for you.
Whether you are a newlywed or an old hand at marriage, A Marriage Made for Heaven will introduce you to new insights, show you new techniques, challenge your assumptions and open up new doors for greater intimacy both with your mate and the God who loves you and gave you to each other.
A Marriage Made for Heaven will help you realize that there is more to marriage than meets the eye; that the road to a happy marriage leads directly to a Heavenly Marriage.
A Marriage Made for Heaven Marriage Enrichment Program (Couple’s Workbook–ONLY)
This workbook for couples is meant to accompany the A Marriage Made for Heaven Leader’s Guide. 12 Sessions cover communication, couple-prayer, sexuality, winning the battle of the sexes, and much, much more. (1 workbook per couple) LEADER’S GUIDE/DVD SOLD SEPARATELY (OR SEE COMBINED PACKAGES FOR DISCOUNTS!)
A Marriage Made for Heaven Marriage Enrichment Program (COUPLE’S WORKBOOK 5 PACK)
Purchase extra workbooks in groups of 5 and save! Cost $65 if sold separately.
A Marriage Made for Heaven Marriage Enrichment Program (LEADER’S GUIDE & DVD–ONLY)
Our scripted Leader’s guide and 12-session DVD (12, 15min teachings) hosted by Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak will give you everything you need to help couples apply profound insights from our Catholic faith and contemporary psychology to supercharge their marriage. Addresses topics from communication, couple-prayer, sexuality, and much, much more. COUPLE’S WORKBOOK SOLD SEPARATELY (OR SEE COMBINED PACKAGES FOR DISCOUNTS!)
A Marriage Made for Heaven Marriage Enrichment Program (STARTER PACKAGE–Leader’s Guide/DVD & Workbooks for 5 Couples)
Our Marriage Made for Heaven Starter Package includes the scripted Leader’s guide and 12-session DVD (12, 15min teachings) hosted by Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak PLUS workbooks for 5 couples. This package will give you everything you need to help couples apply profound insights from our Catholic faith and contemporary psychology to supercharge their marriage. Addresses topics from communication, couple-prayer, sexuality, and much, much more.