There is more to marriage than meets that eye.
That’s the message of this exciting new resource by the Pastoral Solutions Institute and the Diocese of Steubenville that promotes the Catholic Vision of Love and Marriage.
The program employs a simple web-based format and runs like a DIY online couples’ retreat. Each of the 12 units in the course consists of a brief (7-9min), high quality video presentation, discussion questions, resources for independent study, and a simple 5 item quiz intended to highlight the most important points of the unit. Although it is aimed at engaged couples (the program is required for engaged couples in the Diocese of Steubenville) the program can benefit any couple who wants to have a deeper appreciation of how God wants to fill their hearts with his love. It’s also a great resource for training mentor couples to live and promote the Catholic vision of love and marriage in your parish or diocese!
The Catholic Vision of Love and Marriage explores the role of marriage in Christian discipleship and operates from the novel, but completely orthodox, POV that “marriage is a ministry” because it is an activity that is intended to communicate God’s love–first to the couple, and then to their children (both spiritual and actual) and then the world-at-large. Some of the topics covered include…
-How Catholic marriage is different than other marriage and marriage-type relationships (e.g., cohabitation, civil marriage, romantic marriage, etc).
-How God plans to use your marriage to change the world (and what you can do to cooperate with his plan).
-A step-by-step guide on how (and why) to pray together.
-Marriage is not a “Certificate of Adulting” but rather an invitation to become lifelong learners in the school of love. Learn how to cherish each other with the love that flows from God’s own heart.
-How couples can experience grace and growth through marital disagreements.
-The role husbands and wives play in helping each other become everything they were created to be in this life and getting each other to heaven in the next.
-How celebrating the complementarity of the sexes helps couples overcome the “battle of the sexes.”
-How living the Church’s teachings on sexual love is the couple’s embodied “yes” to the call to Christian discipleship.
-And much, much more.
Discover how much more your marriage can be! Check out the Catholic Vision of Love and Marriage today!