About The Show
Integrating the latest insights from counseling psychology with the timeless wisdom of St John Paul’s “Theology of the Body,” More2Life will help you find faith-filled solutions to life’s difficult challenges.In addition to sharing helpful tips and responding to your calls about challenging marriage, family, and personal problems, Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak are joined by a rotating list of dynamic TOB guest experts including: Bishop Jeffrey Monforton, Bishop of Steubenville and former rector of Sacred Heart Seminary. Dr. Dominic Lombardi & Dr. Julia Dezelski, Exec. Dir. and Asst. Dir. (respectively) of the USCCB Secretariat for Marriage, Family, Laity and Youth. Bill Donaghy, head of curriculum development for the TOB Institute. Dr. John & Claire Grabowski, formerly members of the Pontifical Council for the Family, John is a theologian at CUA. Together they are the authors of Raising Catholic Kids for Their Vocations
Fr. Thomas Loya, pastor, professional counselor, iconographer, and director of the Tabor Life Institute. Tim and Sue Muldoon, Tim is a pastoral theologian at Boston College. Sue is a counselor and pastoral minister. Together they are the authors several books including, Reclaiming Family Time. Damon Owens, former Exec. Dir. of the TOB Institute and Founder of JoyTOB.org. Jacob Popcak, pastoral counseling associate with CatholicCounselors.com, author and professional illustrator. Rachael Popcak, pastoral counseling associate with CatholicCounselors.com and founder of the St Sebastian Center for Performance Excellence. Rachel Watkins, developer of the Little Flowers Girls Club and mom of 11.Dr. Joseph White, family psychologist, Director of Catechetical Resources for OSV Publications, and host of SharingCatholicFaith.com