Jeannie Hannemann, Executive Director of Elizabeth Ministry International, explains how her ministry can be a valuable resource for issues on childbearing, sexuality, and relationships.
Infertility: An Unwanted Journey
Infertility is a frustrating and unwanted journey. Jeannie Hannemann, Executive Director of Elizabeth Ministry International, provides valuable advise on how to cope and live through this difficult hardship.
Infertility: Considering All Your Options
Jeannie Hannemann, Executive Director of Elizabeth Ministry International, lays out clearly all the practical and modern options available to help resolve the crisis of infertility.
Infertility: Guideposts for the Journey
Infertility can be very frustrating and confusing. In this video Jeannie Hannemann, Executive Director of Elizabeth Ministry International, provides practical guidance on how to live through this difficult hardship.
Infertility: The Church, Your Partner in Treatment
Infertility can be a very difficult journey for a married couple. In this video Jeannie Hannemann, Executive Director of Elizabeth Ministry International, explains that the Church is here as a compassionate mother to support those struggling with this grief.
Infertility – The Couple's Journey
Infertility is a hard suffering for a couple to bear. Bruce and Jeannie Hannemann, Founders of Elizabeth Ministry International, tell their own story and struggle with infertility as a couple and how they overcame it.
Infertility and Miscarriage: A Resource for Support
Infertility and miscarriage are tremendous hardships. Jeannie Hannemann, Executive Directive of Elizabeth Ministry International, expresses her understanding and remorse for those journeying through these tragedies and offers a resource for support in her ministry.