Coming Tuesday: Coping with Frustration–Everyone gets frustrated from time to time, but while it’s common enough, it stops us from enjoy life as the gift that it is. We’ll look at those things that cause us frustration and how to deal more gracefully with frustrating situations and people.
Plus, Dr. Joseph White of will share ways parents can tame their kids’ homework frustrations as the school year starts!
Call in at 877-573-7825 from Noon-1 Eastern (11-Noon Central) with your questions about
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Q of the D: (Answer one or both to win!)
1. What situations in the course of your week tend to frustrate you the most?
2. How does frustration affect your mood and behavior?
*Win a free book! Every day you respond to the question of the day your name will be entered in a radio drawing to win a free book from the Popcak Catholic Living Library (over 10 titles in all)! Again, each day that you respond you will get another chance at winning a free book in the drawing held at the end of each week on More2Life Radio.
This week’s featured title is: FOR BETTER…FOREVER! A Catholic Guide To Lifelong Marriage.
For Better…FOREVER! explores what it takes to create and celebrate a great Catholic marriage from the newlywed years to late-in-life. The Catholic vision of marriage is unpacked amidst tons of practical, empirically-tested advice about communication, problem-solving, negotiating the challenges of different marital stages, sexuality, and a whole lot more. The is THE book no Catholic married couple should be without. A great resource for you and a great gift for Anniversaries and Newlyweds too!
Winners will be announced on air and contacted by FB message following the drawing this Friday 8/23