Extraordinary Synod on the Family Round-up

The Extraordinary Synod on the Family begins this weekend.  Here are some of the posts I’ve written over the last few months on the synod.  To see more great writing on the Synod by my fellow Patheos bishopsbloggers, go here!

The Synod: What is it?  Who Cares?

Pope Francis Calls Extraordinary Synod on the Family

Why Is the Family So Important Anyway?– The Catholic Channel Symposium on the Extraordinary Synod for the Family.

Sesame Street Tells Lies that Hurt Kids (OR, Why “Any Group of People / Living Together And Loving Each Other” ISN’T “Doing the Family Thing”)

Catholic Sexuality

Holy Sex! What Catholics Can Teach the World About Infallible Loving.

The Catholic Difference in Family Life

Yes, There IS a Catholic Way to Parent. Here’s Why.

Are Catholic Families Really Any Different? Should We Be? (Some Points from My Response to the 2014 Extraordinary Synod– Part I)

5 “Marks” of a Catholic Family—(My response to the Extraordinary Synod Survey Part II)

Mission Possible: Rediscovering Catholic Family Identity

Is the Catholic Family Different? 5 Marks of the Catholic Family–A Proposal.

The Annulment Reform Debate

Annulment Q & A: 6 Common Questions About Annulments.–UPDATED

Cardinal Kasper and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Idea (and A Better Solution–If I Do Say So Myself)

Reforming the Annulment Process–A Continuing Conversation. (Or Why “Alienation of Affection” is a stupid reason to require divorce before annulment).

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