Sometimes the Holy Spirit sends a hug just when you need it most. At the end of a VERY long week, Lisa and I just received this beautiful message from Down Under. We thought we’d share it with you (after removing any identifying information) in the hopes that others might be inspired by this reader’s experience and the resources offered through the Pastoral Solutions Institute.
Dear Dr. Greg and Lisa,
About eight months ago, I was randomly searching for a quality book online, I had no idea what the Holy Spirit had in mind for me!
Your book Just Married. The Catholic Guide to Surviving and Thriving in the First Five Years of Marriage caught my attention, even though I was single. I loved this book – I devoured it. It put into words for me what I had always dreamed a marriage should be, but was not really sure was possible, and could not really see in the marriages around me. I have now almost read all of your books! And I listen to every podcast available from your More2Life radio programme.
In the short eight months that I have been reading and listening to your wisdom and faith, I have been transformed. I am now praying with sincerity and presence, I now love mass so much I don’t want to miss it, and the relationship that I have with our spiritual parents is much more personal. I feel, thanks to you both, that I am much closer to having the marriage and family life that I have always dreamed of (even if I have to wait a little while longer for it). I thank you both sincerely for your example. You have changed my life for the better. God bless you both, and thank you again, so much.
Blessings from Sydney Australia!