If your parish or diocese wants to get involved in supporting divorced people, then Rose Sweet, author of “Rebuilding after Divorce explains exactly how to do here in this video.
Can a Divorced Person Receive Communion?
Can a divorced person receive the Eucharist? Rose Sweet, author of “Rebuilding after Divorce, replies yes and no.
Do I Need an Annulment?
If you have gone through a divorce but don’t know whether or not you need an annulment, Rose Sweet, author of “Rebuilding after Divorce,” explains here what the qualifications are for it.
What an Annulment is, and what it's NOT
Rose Sweet, author of “Rebuilding after Divorce,” explains here the specifics of what an annulment is and what it’s not.
How Can I Stop Hating My Divorced Spouse?
In this video, Rose Sweet, author of “Rebuilding after Divorce,” shares some helpful advise on how to stop hating ones divorced spouse, and rather hate their actions.
Dealing with the Guilt and Shame of a Divorce
A divorce can bring about a lot of guilt and shame. Rose Sweet, author of “Rebuilding after Divorce,” explains how to deal with such feelings.
Managing the Anger of a Divorce
Sometimes a divorce situation can get out of hand and hatful resentment can quickly ensue. Rose Sweet, author of “Rebuilding after Divorce,” explains how to manage such anger.
The Biggest Mistakes Divorced People Make
Going through a divorce can be a stressful and tense ordeal. Rose Sweet, author of “Rebuilding after Divorce,” brings to light some of the biggest mistakes that one should avoid during such a dramatic process.
What You Should Never Say To a Divorced Person
Do you ever want to just comfort your divorced friend or relative but feel like whatever you say just makes things worse? Well Rose Sweet, author of “Rebuilding after Divorce,” explains here exactly what to say and what not to.
When Can I Start Dating Again After a Divorce?
When is the prime time to start dating after a divorce? Rose Sweet, author of “Rebuilding after Divorce,” lays out the guidelines for starting a successful relationship after divorce.