Party on Your Re-Birthday!
Long Time Since Last Confession?
Even if it’s been a long time since your last confession, fear not! Author & speaker Michael Aquilina offers some great tips for opening your heart to God’s mercy.
What Does Repentance Mean?
Sacraments: The Priesthood
What is the Priesthood and is there biblical reference to this sacrament? Jeffrey M. Monforton, Bishop of Steubenville, OH, explains the Catholic doctrine and scriptural background on this sacrament in clear, orthodox terms.
Sacraments: Anointing of the Sick
What is Anointing of the Sick and is there biblical reference to this sacrament? Jeffrey M. Monforton, Bishop of Steubenville, OH, explains the Catholic doctrine and scriptural background on this sacrament in clear, orthodox terms.
Sacraments: Marriage
What is Marriage, and is there biblical reference to this sacrament? Jeffrey M. Monforton, Bishop of Steubenville, OH, explains the Catholic doctrine and scriptural background on the sacrament of marriage.
Sacraments: Confession
What is Confession and is there biblical reference to this sacrament? Jeffrey M. Monforton, Bishop of Steubenville, OH, explains the Catholic doctrine and scriptural background on the redeeming sacrament of confession.
Sacraments: Confirmation
Sacraments: The Eucharist
What is the Eucharist and is there biblical reference to this sacrament? Jeffrey M. Monforton, Bishop of Steubenville, OH, gives the Catholic doctrine and scriptural background on the beautiful sacrament of the Eucharist.