Holy Sex! A Catholic Guide to Toe-Curling, Mind-Blowing, Infallible Loving
Holy Sex! reveals the shocking truth about what Catholicism REALLY has to say about sex. Unblinking candor, practical advice, faithful insights, & respectful humor illustrate how the Theology of the Body can transform your marriage.
Holy Sex! unveils Christianity’s best-kept secret, and does so in an informative, solidly grounded, and delightful way. Want to know your Holy Sex Quotient? Ever wondered why Catholics have better sex more often? From a presentation of the Church’s actual teachings on sex to The Infallible Lover’s Guide to Pleasure to Natural Family Planning to a Q&A section on Overcoming Common Problems, this book truly empowers couples to take their relationship to the next level of fulfillment and soulful satisfaction.
“Dynamic, faithful, funny, and informative, Holy Sex! demonstrates how the Truth will set you free.” –Christopher West, Fellow, Theology of the Body Institute
“Think Dr. Ruth meets Thomas Aquinas…” –John Allen, Sr Correspondent National Catholic Reporter
This practical sex guide incorporates, but goes well beyond, marital sacramental theology, and as such will be welcomed by those who want to adhere to Catholic teaching yet still enjoy the passion of sexual union. –Publisher’s Weekly