Today, Catholic University of America held a press conference announcing the release of a document drafted by dozens of Catholic scholars and co-signed by over 500 theologians, social scientists, lawyers, physicians and other academics who endorsed the positive impact, value, and continued importance of Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI’s letter promoting a consistent, comprehensive, vision of sexual love.
The new document announced today (click the link to review) is a direct response to about 130 dissident Catholic scholars, including Vatican-censured theologian, Fr. Charles E. Curran, who sponsored an event at the UN attacking the Church’s teachings.
I was honored to be among the many scholars who contributed sections to the document supporting Humanae Vitae referenced by today’s press conference. Specifically, my efforts focused on the negative psychobehavioral and environmental impact of the hormonal contraceptives, but these were just two small parts of a very thorough and wide-ranging document that addresses both the problems with artificial contraception and the value of living the Church’s vision of love and sex.
Many thanks to Dr. Janet Smith for spearheading this effort and to all those who joined in to make this important event possible, in particular, Mary Hasson of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and Dr. John Grabowski, who is a moral theologian at CUA, and who, with his wife, Claire, is both a member of the Pontifical Council for the Family and a regular contributor to More2Life Radio. This document is a wonderful show of lay support for the incredible beauty and continued relevance of Catholic sexual ethics. Please check it out!
NOTE: If you want to want the archived version of the press conference, it starts about at about the 12:30 mark.