Maybe you’ve read about in a pamphlet at church or heard in mentioned in conversation. And yet, you’re still not sure: what is NFP? Theology of the Body Institute Executive Director Damon Owens explains this beautiful mending of solid science and theology.
Does the Church Hate Sex?
The way people think that the Church treats sex is often vastly different from what she actually teaches. Dr. Gregory Popcak, Executive Director of PaxCare and author of “Holy Sex!” addresses how the Church’s teachings on sex have been misconstrued and distorted from the true reality of the good and beautiful message of the Church’s teachings on sex.
Is NFP Just Catholic Contraception?
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is by no means a contraceptive, it caters to the two ends of the sexual act, namely the unitive and procreative ends. Dr. Gregory Popcak, Executive Director of PaxCare and author of “Holy Sex!” explains why contraception is an evil against the sexual act and how NFP on the other hand is an exercise is prudent parenting and a way for couples to connect deeper than just the physical aspect of sex.
What Is "Holy Sex?"
Dr. Gregory Popcak, Executive Director of PaxCare and author of “Holy Sex!” discusses the differences between what he terms ‘holy sex’ and ‘eroticism’, how one seeks to enrich the person and the other tears the person down.
What Is NFP?
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is often disregarded as an effective means of preventing pregnancy in comparison to contraceptives. Dr. Gregory Popcak describes the many benefits of NFP, not merely how it allows a couple to know when the woman is fertile or not, but also to take it to an even deeper level and promote a healthy, fruitful relationship.
What Does Theology of the Body Mean for Married Couples?
How does TOB relate to marriage? Christopher West, Theology of the Body Institute Speaker, explains that marriage here on earth is a prefigurement of the divine marriage we will experience with God in heaven!
Authentic Sexual Freedom
Our culture claims it has found true sexual freedom. But Christopher West, Theology of the Body Institute Speaker, counteracts this belief by explaining what true freedom actually is and how the Catholic Church provides a clear way to authentic sexual freedom!
Who is Theology of the Body for?
You may think that Theology of the Body is only for married couples. But Christopher West, Theology of the Body Institute Speaker, shows that if you have a body then this theology is for you!
What is Theology of the Body?
What exactly is Theology of the Body? Christopher West, Theology of the Body Institute Speaker, explains this deep, profound teaching by John Paul II in an engaging and beautiful way.