Coming Wed on M2L Radio: Driven to Distraction

COMING WED on M2L:  Driven to Distraction–We all live hectic lives but the Theology of the Body reminds us to take time to focus on the important things; relationship, our marriage, our family, being present to the people in our lives. Today we’ll focus on getting control of the distractions that get in the way of us choosing “the better part.”  We’ll offer tips for getting your priorities in order and focusing your mind on the things that matter.  Call in from Noon-1pm E (11am-Noon C) at 877-573-7825.  We can’t wait to talk with you!

Don’t forget to answer our M2L FB Questions of the Day:  (Two-Fer!  Answer one or both…) 1.  What are the things that stop you from being as present as you would like to the people in your life? 2. If your eliminate one distraction in your life, what would it be?

—Listen to More2Life live weekdays from Noon-1pm E (11am-Noon C).  Can’t get M2L on a Catholic radio station near you?    Tune in live online at,  listen via our FREE AveMariaRadio IPhone or Android App (Check your app store!), or catch the M2L Podcast!

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