I need to apologize to my readers. When I was on vacation back in May, Patheos changed their commenting software. Being out of the country at the time, I missed the tech updates (not that I would have read them anyway, to be completely honest). At any rate, I assumed that the change in platform wouldn’t change where the comments actually showed up on the admin side. Apparently, though, to see your comments, I actually need to login to an entirely separate program. Because of this, I didn’t know you’ve been commenting all this time and I haven’t approved any comments in about a month. If you felt slighted, I completely understand, but it wasn’t intentional. I wondered what was going on, but I only recently wondered enough to ask someone what they thought the problem was.
At any rate, I’m now more or less up to date on the new process. Ish. Since there were too many comment to go through, I just approved them all. In the future, I will be more selective (assuming I can figure out how to do that). Regardless, Patheos is updating my comments policy page just so everyone will be clear on what the rules are.
I appreciate your patience during my learning curve. Again, I apologize for any frustration my technological ignorance may have caused. Thanks for your understanding.