Simply telling people that hard work is more important than genetics causes positive changes in the brain and may make them willing to try harder, a study shows. “Giving people messages that encourage learning and motivation may promote more efficient performance,” said the lead investigator. “In contrast, telling people that intelligence is genetically fixed may inadvertently hamper learning.”
Telling people…that hard work trumps genes causes instant changes in the brain and may make them more willing to strive for success, indicates a new study from Michigan State University.
The findings suggest the human brain is more receptive to the message that intelligence comes from the environment, regardless of whether it’s true. And this simple message, said lead investigator Hans Schroder, may ultimately prompt us to work harder.
“Giving people messages that encourage learning and motivation may promote more efficient performance,” said Schroder, “In contrast, telling people that intelligence is genetically fixed may inadvertently hamper learning.” READ MORE
This study, obviously, has wide-reaching significance for our ability to both accomplish our goals in life and overcome adversity. It is also why I argued, the other day, that attributing depression, anxiety and other emotional problems primarily to “chemical imbalances”–besides not being strictly accurate–is actually detrimental to the well-being of the person struggling with these disorders. The fact is, as St. Thomas Aquinas reminds us, “Grace builds on nature.” The more we believe we can accomplish, the more we tend to accomplish–even in areas where nature might lead us to think differently if we let it.
The bottom line? Don’t be afraid to believe in the amazing things God wants to accomplish in your life. The more you believe in God’s grace and your good effort, the more likely it is that you can become your best self in every area of your life! If you’d like more support in achieving your goals and overcoming the challenges that stand in your way, check out the Pastoral Solutions Institute’s Tele-Counseling Practice (740-266-6461). Let us help you discover how to get everything God wants to give you in your marriage, family, or personal/emotional life!