40 Days to a Better Marriage Tip–Fri 3/1: Share Your Love Story

Our stories make us who we are.  They tell us where we’ve been and give us direction for where we need to go.  They call us back to where we come from.

Today, take some time to recall the story of how you fell in love with your spouse.  You might share your story with your kids over dinner.  Or you might steal a romantic moment or two with your spouse where you have a chance to reflect on what each of you remembers as the best things about falling in love with each other.  Remember your story.  Share it.  Then write the next chapter.



——For the next 40 days, M2L will offer a tip-a-day for improving your marriage. For more help creating an exceptional marriage, contact the Pastoral Solutions Institute to learn more about Catholic tele-counseling services. 740-266-6461.  And Check out more great marriage-building ideas in For Better…FOREVER!  A Catholic Guide to Lifelong Marriage.

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