40 Days to a Better Marriage Tip– Wed 2/20. The Kinesthetic Lovestyle–Let your mate know you love him or her through all the senses. Today, focus on his/her sense of touch. What kinds of touch (besides sexual touch, we’ll talk about that in another tip) mean the most to your spouse? A neck rub? A foot massage? Cuddling on the couch? A time to kiss and snuggle? Don’t wait to be asked. Initiate! Ask your spouse to come join you and just start in. Don’t ask for anything in return (but you don’t have to stop them if they volunteer!) Just enjoy the connection and relax with each other for at least 10 mins. C’mon, even you have 10 mins for your marriage today don’t you?
——For the next 40 days, Dr. Greg Popcak and More2Life Radio will offer a tip-a-day for improving your marriage. For more help creating an exceptional marriage, contact the Pastoral Solutions Institute to learn more about Catholic tele-counseling services. 740-266-6461.